1152 15th Street NW
First Floor
Washington, DC 20005
United States
Telephone: (202) 849-9002
Temporary address during session:
United States
Lobbying since: 2016
Robert McKenna is an attorney and partner at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP. As former Washington Attorney General, Mr. McKenna is accomplished in all areas of public policy, appellate law, and investigations. Lobbying is a small portion of the services he provides to clients.

This lobbyist certified completion of required code of conduct training on 12/31/2024.

Monthly lobbying reports

Reports filed 2016 and later can be found in the Lobbyist Reporting History dataset.

Reports for periods prior to 2016 are available in our advanced search by searching for the lobbyist by name.

Lobbyist employers

The list below includes all employers for 2016 and later. Employers for periods prior to January 2016 are available in the historical archive.