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6035 95TH AVE SW
United States

Filed: August 16, 2017 - 10:24 am

Personal Expenses

Personal expenses reimbursed by employer.

No reimbursed personal expenses reported for July, 2017

Sum of all personal expenses not reimbursed by employer.

No non-reimbursed personal expenses reported for July, 2017


Detailed compensation by employer.
Tiny Trees1250.00
Opportunity Council2250.00
REI Co-op1500.00
Payments to sub-contracted lobbyists.

No payments to sub-contracted lobbyists reported for July, 2017


Itemized entertainment expenses.

No itemized entertainment expenses reported for July, 2017

Non-itemized entertainment expenses.

No non-itemized entertainment expenses reported for July, 2017


Reporting of all monetary and in-kind contributions made by the lobbyist or transmitted by the lobbyist on behalf of the lobbyist's client, PACs or other contributors.
Itemized contributions by employer.

No itemized contributions by employer reported for July, 2017

Itemized contributions by employer's PAC.

No itemized contributions by employer's PAC reported for July, 2017

Other itemized contributions.

No other itemized contributions reported for July, 2017

Non-itemized contributions by employer.

No non-itemized contributions by employer reported for July, 2017

Total of all other non-itemized contributions.

No other non-itemized contributions reported for July, 2017

PAC contribution activity

Reporting of PAC contribution activity for contributions not made by or transmitted by the lobbyist. This section only indicates that the lobbyist was aware of the contribution activity but did not take part and is not reporting any dollar amounts.
PAC contributions not transmitted by lobbyist.
PAC NameEmployer
Lummi Indian Business CouncilLUMMI TRIBE


Itemized reporting of expenses for advertising, printing, informational literature.

No advertising expenses reported for July, 2017

Political ads

Itemized reporting of expenses for political ads, public relations, polling, telemarketing, etc.
Political ads.

No political advertising expenses reported for July, 2017

Other lobbying expenses

Payments by the Lobbyist for other lobbying expenses and services, including payments to subcontract lobbyists, expert witnesses and others retained to provide lobbying services or assistance in lobbying and payments for grass-roots lobbying campaigns.
Detailed expenses.

No other lobbying expenses reported for July, 2017

Lobbying activities

All subject areas lobbied for each employer and time spent lobbying.
Subject area(s) lobbied.
EmployerSubject Matter of Proposed LegislationIssue or bill numberPersons, Legislative committee or State Agency considering the matter
Tiny TreesEducation5357,1875DEL; Sen Early Learning, House Early Learning
Opportunity CouncilHuman services rural home loans; HB 1570; housing trust fundCommerce, OFM, Ways and Means, Cap budget
NORTHWEST ENERGY COALITIONEnergy and utilitiesEnergy Ind. Act; renewable energy, energy efficiency; capital budgetHouse TED; Senate Energy, Commer, OFM; WSU Energy
LUMMI TRIBEEnvironmental Affairs - natural resources - parksWater; natural resources; taxes; transportation; human services; educationHouse AGNR; Sen AG; Sen Natural Res. OFM; RCO; WDFW
LUMMI TRIBETransportationTransportation fundingTrans; WSDOT
ISLANDWOODEducationOutdoore ed and rec funding; outdoor education fundingSen Ways and Means; House Approps; Cap budget; OFM; RCO; State Parks
REI Co-opEnvironmental Affairs - natural resources - parksRecreation funding; capital budgetSenate Ways and Means; House Capital Budget, House Approps, House Trans, Senate Trans
Opportunity CouncilEnergy and utilitiesEfficiency funding; capital budget House Cap Budget; Senate Ways and Means; WSU Energy, OFM
LUMMI TRIBEEnvironmental Affairs - natural resources - parks5237; waterHouse AGNR; House Env; Sen AG
Percent of time spent lobbying the legislature.


Percent of time spent lobbying state agencies.
