1058 Capitol Way S
Olympia, WA 98501
United States

(360) 529-5311
Filed: January 17, 2019
Year Report Covers: 2018

Document images.

This annual employer's lobbyist expense report was filed by mail rather than electronically. The PDC only enters categorical totals and detailed contributions data for employer reports filed by mail. Please refer to the attached documents linked below to view the full report.

Salary and fees reported by lobbyists/lobbyist firms as of January 17, 2019 at the time this reports was filed by the employer.

Listed below are total salary and fees reported on the registered lobbyists/lobbyist firms monthly expense report (L2).

Compensation shows the amount incurred (what was paid and may be owing) during the year for lobbying-related compensation. This include any funds set aside for deferred income, bonuses or the value of similar deferred payments paid or due.

Expenses shows the amount in expenditures made to or through the lobbyists. Expenditures include amounts paid or due the lobbyist for: reportable personal expenses; entertainment, gifts and travel for legislators, state officials and employees and their families; contributions to elected officials, candidates and political committees that were transmitted or delivered by the lobbyist; advertising, printing, and other informational literature; and other reportable expenses paid to or through the lobbyist in support of your lobbying objectives.

Names of registered lobbyist.
Name Compensation Compensation To Sub-Lobbyist Expenses Total Amount
RENEE R SINCLAIR $749.38 -$0.00 $3000.00 $3749.38
Total Expenses By or Through Lobbyists
Names of registered lobbyist.
Listed below are total salary and fees data entered by the employer to correct totals reported above by the lobbyist.


Contributions shown below are the sum totals provided by the employer on block 4 of the report and are entered as filed by the employer. The totals in this section are political contributions to candidates for legislative or statewide executive office, committees supporting or opposing these candidates, or committees supporting or opposing statewide ballot measures and may include amounts from non-itemized contributions that are not reflected in the detailed compensation information that follows.
Summary itemized political contributions.

Summary of itemized political contributions have not been entered for this report.

Aggregate total of all non-itemized contributions.

Summary of aggregate totals of all non-itemized contributions have not been entered for this report.

Summary affiliated PACs.

Summary of affiliated PAC contributions have not been entered for this report.

Independent Expenditures

Independent expenditures shown below are the sum totals provided by the employer on block 5 of the report and are entered as filed by the employer. The totals in this section are independent expenditures supporting or opposing a candidate for legislative or statewide executive office or a statewide ballot measure.
Summary independent expenditures supporting or opposing Legislative/State Executive candidates.

Summary of independent expenditures supporting or opposing Legislative or State Executive candidates have not been entered for this report.

Summary expenditures supporting/opposing statewide ballot propositions.

Summary for expenditures supporting or opposing statewide ballot proposition has not been entered for this report.


Expenditures shown below are the sum totals provided by the employer on block 6 of the report and are entered as filed by the employer. The totals in this section are expenditures to or on behalf of legislators, state officials, or their spouse, registered domestic partner and dependents for the purpose of influencing, honoring or benefiting the legislator or official.
Summary Entertainment expenditures.
Cost or valueDateDescriptionNameTitle
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE APPLETONLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE BARKISLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE CALDIERLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE CHANDLERLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE CLIBBORNLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE CONDOTTALegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE DENTLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE DOLANLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE DYELegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE FEYLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE FRAMELegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE GRAVESLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE JINKINSLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE JOHNSONLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE KAGILegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE KILDUFFLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE KIRBYLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE KLIPPERTLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE KLOBALegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE KRAFTLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE MACEWENLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE MACRILegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE MAYCUMBERLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE MCCASLINLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE ORCUTTLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE ORTIZ-SELFLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE ORWALLLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE POLLETLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE ROBINSONLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE RYULegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE SANTOSLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE SENNLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE SHEALegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE SLATTERLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE STEELELegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE THARINGERLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE VALDEZLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE VAN WERVENLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE VICKLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAREPRESENTATIVE WILCOXLegislator
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR BAILEYState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR BROWNState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR DARNEILLEState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR HOBBSState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR HUNTState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR KUDERERState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR MCCOYState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR MILOSCIAState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR PALUMBOState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR RIVERSState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATORS TAKKOState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR WELLMANState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR WILSONState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASENATOR ZEIGERState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALACHIEF JUSTICE FAIRHURSTState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAJUSTICE OWENSState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALAJUSTICE STEPHENSState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASTATE TREASURER DUANE DAVIDSONState Official
50.00Thursday, February 15, 2018TVW ANNUAL GALASTATE AUDITOR PAT MCCARTHYState Official
Summary itemized expenditure for influencing, honoring or benefiting a legislator or official.

Summary of itemized expenditures that were for the purpose of influencing, honoring or benefiting a legislator or official have not been entered for this report.

Summary other lobbying related expenditures.

Summary of other lobbying related expenditures have not been entered for this report.

Summary other expenditures not listed elsewhere.

Summary of expenditures not listed elsewhere have not been entered for this report.

Other Compensation

Other contributions shown below are the sum totals provided by the employer on block 3 and 12 of the report and are entered as filed by the employer. The totals in this section are other employment compensation and compensation during the calendar year for professional services paid to any corporation, partnership, joint venture, association or other entity in which state elected official, successful state candidate or member of their immediate family hold office, partnership, directorship or ownership interest of 10% or more.
Summary employment or services paid to state elected officials or successful candidates.

Summary of compensation for employment or services paid to state elected officials or successful candidates have not been entered for this report.

Summary compensation for professional services paid to corporations, partnerships, etc.

Summary of compensation for professional services paid to corporations, partnerships, etc have not been entered for this report.