Lobbying since: 2019
As A LAW LOBBYIST in order to Defend and Promote our Great U.S. Fed. Constitution W/27 Amends and Bolster our Liberties and Freedoms thru our Very Noble WA. St. constitution by Sueing Lazy, INCompetent Government Agencies and corrupt Politicans.
In Good ORDer to Restore the Power and Help to the U.S. Citizenry. I am currently trying 2 Restore our Judicial Branch of Government which is This Great Nations Number 1 problem Right now.
Secondly I am trying to Revamp and overhaul this Nations Horrible Medical Institution and Related Sub-agencies. I'm also solving the increasing Homelessness crisis in our Great Nation.
As the Refounder of the 1920's Populist Party of America I have innovated the Political Party to bring it up to date,
thus the Neo-Populist Party of America., and yes I am contending Running for U.S. President in 2020
INFO at: PO Box 86, Carrolls, WA 98609
So Sworn true: Dave Sumner 4