Green Corps, Inc.

1543 Wazee St.
Denver, CO 80202
United States
Telephone: 7732726691 , Alt: 3035733865
Temporary address during session:
United States
Madison Dennis
Lobbying since: 2021
Madison Dennis is a current field organizer with Green Corps, the field school for environmental organizing. She graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in global resource systems and with a focus in marine biology and conservation. Madison is a self-proclaimed “dedicated and impassioned individual, working everyday for a cleaner, wilder, and more diverse future.” Before coming to Green Corps, Madison worked with conservation reserve employees and scientists in Southern Chile, where she tailored English lessons to writing grant applications. She is an environmental policy nerd and a marine lover to the core!

This lobbyist certified completion of required code of conduct training on 01/12/2022.

Monthly lobbying reports

Reports filed 2016 and later can be found in the Lobbyist Reporting History dataset.

Reports for periods prior to 2016 are available in our advanced search by searching for the lobbyist by name.

Lobbyist employers

The list below includes all employers for 2016 and later. Employers for periods prior to January 2016 are available in the historical archive.

Employer Employment Registration Years Employed