801 23RD AVE S STE A
United States
Telephone: 2063366922
Temporary address during session:
United States
Lobbying since: 2014
David Scott Beard is the Policy and Advocacy Director at Schools Out Washington. He engages with advocates, families, providers, educational stakeholders, and policymakers to develop strategies to improve quality and access to after-school, summer, and expanded learning programs in Washington State. Previously, he was the Education Policy Director at the Advocates for Children and Youth in Maryland working on PreK-12 issues including school operating and capital funding, effective student discipline, and school-based mental health among other issues. Mr. Beard also worked as the Senior Associate for state and federal policy with Pre-K Now, a campaign of the Pew Center on the States and as the Director for Policy and Practice at the Washington State Council for Children and Families. David received his Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Washington in Seattle.

This lobbyist certified completion of required code of conduct training on 11/06/2020.

Monthly lobbying reports

Reports filed 2016 and later can be found in the Lobbyist Reporting History dataset.

Reports for periods prior to 2016 are available in our advanced search by searching for the lobbyist by name.

Lobbyist employers

The list below includes all employers for 2016 and later. Employers for periods prior to January 2016 are available in the historical archive.

Employer Employment Registration Years Employed
SCHOOLS OUT WA View report 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023