Miles Johnson
Lobbying since: 2018
Miles works to reduce water pollution and toxic contamination by strengthening and enforcing the Clean Water Act and other laws that protect the Columbia River. Miles graduated from Lewis and Clark Law School, where he specialized in environmental litigation and natural resources law. Prior to law school, Miles received a B.A. in Biology and Environmental Studies from Whitman College, and worked as a fisheries researcher in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. Miles grew up in Newport, Oregon, where fishing is a staple of the local economy and a crucial part of the community’s identity. An avid fisherman, Miles is dedicated to promoting and recovering sustainable commercial, sport, and subsistence fisheries throughout the Columbia Basin. As an enthusiastic fish-eater, Miles is personally invested in ensuring that we can eat fish caught in the Columbia without endangering the health of our families.
This lobbyist certified completion of required code of conduct training on 12/19/2024.