FMS Global Strategies lobbying for Puget Sound Dispatch

Lobbyist registration of employment.

Filed: May 28, 2024 - 4:33 pm
Amended: June 11, 2024 - 10:49 am
Amended: May 28, 2024 - 4:39 pm

Compensation and employment


$5000.00 Per Month

Type of employment.
  • Contractor or retainer or similar agreement
Client area(s) of interest.

Lobbying is most frequent before legislative committee members or state agencies concerned with the following subjects:

  • Business and consumer affairs
  • Fiscal
  • Labor
  • Law and justice
  • Local government
  • State government
  • Transportation
Expected lobbying term.

Permanent lobbyist

Expenses and reimbursement

Reimbursement agreement.

This Lobbyist does not have an ongoing reimbursement agreement with the client.

Incidental expenses.

This Lobbyist is reimbursed for incidental lobbying expenses.

Paid lobbying expenses.

This client (employer) directly pays for some lobbying expenses.

Description of expenses paid:

Local Legislative Advocacy on Fee Caps and related issues: Consultant will actively engage in advocacy efforts to address recent city and county legislation, particularly Seattle and King County ordinances [File #: CB 120653, Version: 2] and [Proposed No. 2023-0231.3], which impose a 10% cap on the fees that dispatch companies can deduct from taxi fares. This directly affects Client's existing practices, including a 5% administrative fee deduction on account-based trips and a weekly dispatch fee of $195 charged to drivers. Consultant will advocate for amendments or alternative regulations that better align with Client's and its drivers' interests, ensuring their operational and growth capabilities are not hindered by such legislative measures. Consultant will further advocate for dispatch agencies’ ability to modify or terminate dispatch agreements with vehicle owners and/or drivers when the dispatch agreements have been breached by vehicle owners and/or drivers. Hopelink Negotiations and Rate Increase Assistance: Consultant will provide support to Client in negotiations with Hopelink, a Medicaid transportation broker, aiming to advocate for a fair increase in rates for Client's transportation services. Despite a 20-year partnership without rate adjustments in the past decade and prior unsuccessful attempts to DocuSign Envelope ID: 6409EC20-8B04-440E-9392-0F7458509339 address this issue, Consultant will lead discussions, propose strategies, and advocate for Client's interests. This is to ensure that Client's services are adequately compensated to reflect their value and operational expenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Consultant does not guarantee a rate increase for Client’s transportation services.

Lobbying periods



Months lobbying for Puget Sound Dispatch.
Not lobbying for Puget Sound Dispatch during this filing period.
Exempt from lobbying for Puget Sound Dispatch during this filing period.